375 Larch Avenue Bogota, New Jersey 07603
To actively contribute to the welfare of the community and improve the quality of life to those we serve since the 1920s!
Reporting Drug Activity to Police
Narcotics/Anti-Crime Unit
How to Report Drug Activity to the Police
1. Name of Person Dealing Drugs - Example: John Doe or nickname Doe Boy
2. Description of Person - Example: white male, 6' tall, thin build, mustache
3. Description of Clothing - Example: Gray waist length jacket, blue jeans, sneakers
4. Location of Drug Sales - Example: Corner of 123 Main St, near the white house
5. Time of Day Activity Occurs - Example: Starts at 7pm and ends at 11pm
6. What Type of Drug is Being Sold - Example: Marijuana, Cocaine, Heroin
7. Who is Purchasing the Drugs - Example: Adults, Juveniles
8. Vehicles Used in Drug Sales & Purchases - Example: Green Honda, Plate number
9. How Does Drug Dealer Operate - Example: People drive up and blow the horn, then dealer goes to car and exchanges drugs for money or; People knock on door and enter house for a short stay then leave.
It is important to be as specific as possible when giving information. Please confine information to facts. Do not assume that someone is in possession of drugs when you call just because you saw them in the past. If we do not find drugs on a person, they will know that they are under investigation and take measures to make future arrests more difficult. If you are making an assumption, please state that when you call.